Open Access Publishing

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  • Rechtsfragen bei Open Science: Ein Leitfaden

    Open Access / Open Science


    We are convinced of the idea of an open science. Seeing it in a similar way, many researchers are adapting their publication strategies and publishing their results freely available (Open Access). This guide answers numerous legal questions that arise in the concrete implementation of a publication. It thus supports the digital cultural change.

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  • Neuvermessung der Datenökonomie

    From research


    "For the first time in human history, it is possible to store, process and link masses of data - 'Big Data' - in real time and on the move almost anywhere in the world. [...] This technological leap, which at first seems harmless, is triggering an almost epochal economic and also cultural revolution." A reorientation of the measurement of economic activities is imminent.

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  • Worked to the Bone: A Study of Gilded-Age Transatlantic Scientific Networks in Paleontology

    Hamburg dissertations


    We offer a streamlined and affordable publishing option for dissertations. Here you can see the latest publication from our Hamburg Dissertations series. All books are published under a CC-BY license and appear simultaneously digitally freely available (Open Access) as well as in printed form as softcover.

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