mit der Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg
Buddhism has enjoyed a prominent place in the study of Asian religious ideas at Hamburg University for almost 100 years, ever since the birth of Buddhist Studies in Germany. The University is one of the pioneering academic institutions in Europe at which the study of Buddhism became a core subject for students focusing on the religious dimensions of South and Central Asia.
With the publication series „Hamburg Buddhist Studies“, the Numata Center for Buddhist Studies at Hamburg University aims to honor this long-standing commitment to research and share the results of this tradition with the community of scholars and the wider public.
The series of Hamburg Buddhist Studies will also contribute to opening up Buddhist Studies to those who are not necessarily trained in the classical languages of the Buddhist traditions but want to approach the field with their own disciplinary interests in mind.
Since 2016 the Hamburg Buddhist Studies Series is published by projektverlag. For a comprehensive overview of all publications of Hamburg Buddhist Studies see the relevant page of the Numata Center for Buddhist Studies.
Series Editor
Michael Zimmermann (Universität Hamburg)
Members of the International Editorial Board
Bhikkhu Analayo (Universität Hamburg)
Lucia Dolce (School of Oriental and African Studies, London)
Franz-Karl Ehrhard (Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München)
Mario Poceski (University of Florida, Gainesville, USA)
Petra Kieffer-Puelz (Academy of Sciences and Literature, Mainz)