„Si fier tornei“: Benoîts ‚Roman de Troie‘ und die höfische Kultur des 12. Jahrhunderts

„Si fier tornei“: Benoîts ‚Roman de Troie‘ und die höfische Kultur des 12. Jahrhunderts


Solveig Kristina Malatrait
Universität Hamburg


12th century, Middle Ages, Benoît de Sainte-Maure, Roman de Troie, Trojan novel, Old French epic, literature


The representation of Troy is a natural part of the scholarly knowledge in the 12th century which is characterized by worship, but also by the acquisition of antiquity. Benoît de Sainte-Maure's "Roman de Troie" received a wide and intense contemporary reception. In 1870/71, Aristide Joly provided a first critical scientific appraisal of the "Roman de Troie", and after almost 140 years, Solveig Malatrait now presents a monograph that reconsiders the masterpiece of the Old French epic from a cultural studies perspective.



Printed Version

ISBN: 978-3-937816-86-9

166 pages, hardback,
size: 155 x 220 mm, 24,80 €

Copyright (c) 2011 Solveig Kristina Malatrait

How to Cite

Malatrait, S. K. (2011). „Si fier tornei“: Benoîts ‚Roman de Troie‘ und die höfische Kultur des 12. Jahrhunderts. Hamburg University Press. https://doi.org/10.15460/HUP.117