Findbuch des Bestandes Abt. 13
Obergericht zu Gottorf 1713–1834

Findbuch des Bestandes Abt. 13
Obergericht zu Gottorf 1713–1834


Jörg Rathjen
Landesarchiv Schleswig‐Holstein


18th century, 19th century, Schleswig-Holstein, Jurisdiction, Archive, Judiciary


Since the middle of the seventeenth century, the "Regierungskanzlei" (government chancellery )in Glückstadt was an authority under the auspices of the central authorities in Copenhagen. It performed important tasks of administration and legal administration in the royal territories of the Duchies of Schleswig and Holstein. The Supreme Court carried out supervision in administrative matters mainly in the areas of church, school, pauper police, economics and dyke. When the Judiciary and Administration were separated from each other in 1834, the administrative responsibilities of the Supreme Court were transferred to the newly formed Schleswig-Holstein government. Under the new designation of "Schleswig´s Landdicasterien", the Supreme Court of Gottorf ("Gottorfer Obergericht") henceforth acted only as a pure judicial authority which was subordinated to the Superior Court of Appeal in Kiel. The archival materials of the "Gottorfer Obergericht" as presented in this publication were delivered by and by to the Landesarchiv Schleswig-Holstein. The profound and modern edition of the archival Materials is mainly relevant for local research. The publication brings together the concordances 13A and 13B for the first time. The aim of this work is to facilitate access to and work with the archival materials.



Printed Version

ISBN: 978-3-943423-17-4

197 pages, hardback,
size: 155 x 220 mm, 23,80 €




Veröffentlichungen des Landesarchivs Schleswig-Holstein , Bd. 110, ISSN (online): 2627-9002, ISSN (print): 1864-9912

Copyright (c) 2017 Jörg Rathjen

How to Cite

Rathjen, J. (2017). Findbuch des Bestandes Abt. 13: Obergericht zu Gottorf 1713–1834 (Vols. 110). Hamburg University Press.