
For Open Access and Open Science

Books are published freely available online (Gold Open Access) and simuntaneously as a high-quality print version for which a fee is charged. The Open Access publication is usually carried out under the Creative Commons (CC) license CC-BY. The freest of the CC licenses enables the dissemination and re-use of scientific works and enable; it supports Open Science.

A Rights policy which supports Research

In a contract, authors and editors grant the publisher the simple right of use for online publication and distribution as well as for print publication. They can archive the electronic version of their work in parallel on their own or an institutional server, naming the first publication (so-called self-archiving). Free licenses, especially Creative Commons licenses and here CC-BY (see above) as well as similar licenses can be used. The use of such a license regulates and facilitates the further dissemination and subsequent use of your work by third parties (e.g. subject databases or document servers).

Autors`/editors' Commitment

The autors and editors contractually grant Hamburg University Press the (non-exclusive) right to publish their works freely accessible worldwide on the internet as well as in other agreed forms (e.g. printed). The online publications are made available under a free licence (Creative Commons). The authors as creators remain in possession of their rights of use and continue to have the right to publish their publication elsewhere, to change it or to exploit it in any other way.

The autors and editors assure that their work does not violate the rights of third parties).