Quality management

Hamburg University Press supports quality assurance concerning:

  • Review
    PhD theses have been appropriately reviewed as part of the academic review process.
    Series editors are responsible for the review of the works published in their series.
    In the case of individual publications, Hamburg University Press has the quality of the content ensured by third parties if necessary.
  • Language/formal criteria
    Formal quality control by a proofreader is obligatory and is usually organized by Hamburg University Press.
  • Design
    Hamburg University Press maintains guidelines for professional design and ensures their implementation.
  • Rights
    Hamburg University Press provides information on the most important rules to be observed when publishing.
    Hamburg University Press concludes contracts (Rights) with authors and editors.
  • Technical criteria
    Hamburg University Press ensures that the electronic editions are functionaland open in the sense of re-use and sustainability.
  • Metadata
    Hamburg University Press takes measures that the publications are professionally indexed.
    This, among other things, is provided as part of search engine optimization and an OAI interface for harvesting, including through the German National Library (DNB).
  • Sustainability
    Hamburg University delivers the publications in printed form to the German National Library (DNB) in terms of long-term availability. The digital editions are harvested and archived by the DNB as complete editions and, in the case of anthologies, additionally as individual contributions.