offered by the Hamburg State and University Library
ORCID is an independent non-profit organisation that provides a persistent identifier for scientists of all research disciplines world wide – an ORCID iD. This Open Researcher and Contributor iD distinguishes you from other researchers and links your research outputs and activities permanently to your iD.
ORCID is already integrated into many systems used by publishers, funders, institutions, and other research-related services. Learn more at or in the official ORCID video (VIMEO).
Hamburg University Press allows you to display your ORCID ID on published books and hosted journals
➟ Advantages
➟ Control options
➟ ID displayed on books
➟ iD collection by the journal
➟ Visualisation
➟ Registration
➟ Linking data basis
➟ Active usage
With the factsheet ORCID - My Personal iD in Research (DE), we offer condensed information on the function and benefits of ORCID as a personal iD in Research.
What advantages do I have as a scientist from using ORCID?
ORCID increases the visibility of your research regardless of institutions and commercial products.
- You can be identified, despite name variations, name changes or different spellings.
- Your publications are clearly assigned to you and can be found in your publication list at any time.
- Your ORCID iD can be linked to articles, research data, monographs, patents, software or even samples.
- Your ORCID iD and your profile are yours, independent of employers and institutions.
- Research funders or funding institutions can clearly identify you in applications or reports.
- You can transparently present your research aktivities and output in your ORCID profile to funding institutions.
- Identify yourself with publishers, scientific societies and congresses.
- Communicate your research achievements and collaborations transparently with your ORCID iD
- Publish additional information in your ORCID profile, using it as your digital business card.
What control options to I have?
You retain full control over your ORCID profile and your privacy settings.
- Only the individual ORCID iD always remains public.
- All profile information is voluntary and can be managed for visibilty. We recommend an open profile.
- You determine which rights you grant linked databases (Crossref, Web of Science, etc.) or publishers.
Information on data protection can be found in the data protection report, commissioned by the German Research Foundation (DFG).
How is my ORCID ID displayed on books?
We can currently associate your ORCID ID manually with your name if you are an author of a monograph or an editor. Please provide us with your ORCID.
The iD icon contains the hyperlink to your individual ORCID profile.
How and why do we collect your ORCID iD?
This journal is collecting your ORCID iD to allow readers of your publication to uniquely identify you and to provide access to your research output via your ORCID profile (publication list). During the submission process of your publication, we will ask you in the ORCID popup window, to share your iD using an authenticated process.
(A) Register for an ORCID iD and granting us permission to receive your ORCID iD. (Important: Just register once!)
(B) Sign into your ORCID account and granting us permission to get your ORCID iD.
We do this to ensure that you are correctly identified and your ORCID iD is connected with your publication.
Where and how is my ORCID iD displayed within the journal?
Your ORCID iD is displayed next to your name on the article page of your publication after successful authentication.
The iD icon contains the hyperlink to your individual ORCID profile.
Where and how to register?
- Important: Only create one ORCID iD. You can search for an existing profile under your name.
- Registration is done at the ORCID website to receive your individual 16-digit ID (xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx).
- Enter all variants of your name, including your maiden name, in your profile.
- Add additional information such as: employer, training, funding, etc. to make your profile meaningful.
- Manually add non-automatically listed publications to your profile using the following workflow:
Which databases should I link to my ORCID iD?
- Crossref (DOI database for publications)<
- Datacite (DOI database for research data)
Link your ORCID iD with:
- Web of Science (import data)
- Scopus (import data)
- Your university bibliography (if your institution is an ORCID member)
Use the following workflow in your ORCID profile:
How can I actively use my ORCID iD?
Use your ORCID iD during your research activities, in particular:
- when publishing (publishers, repositories)
- when applying for funding
- at congresses
- on your institutional or private website
- in your email signature