You are interested in publishing your work with Hamburg University Press. Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions. If you cannot find an answer to your question in the list, simply contact us. We will be happy to answer you personally.

How do I contact you?

You can contact us by mail at info.hup@sub.uni-hamburg.de

Isabella Meinecke
Head of Department of Electronic Publishing / Hamburg University Press
Diamond-OA-Journals, Open Access/Open Science

Tobias Buck
hybrid Open Access books
phone +49 40 42838-5272

Mailing address:
Hamburg University Press
Publishing house of the Hamburg State and University Library
Von-Melle-Park 3
20146 Hamburg


Who can publish with Hamburg University Press?

Authors and editors of works published by Hamburg University Press are primarily researchers and scholars from the University of Hamburg, other Hamburg universities or universities of applied sciences and other academic and Research-related institutions who hold doctoral degrees.


What is published?

Hamburg University Press publishes monographs and edited volumes as well as dissertations, currently mainly in the humanities and in German and English. The publishing house also offers hosting of digital scientific open access journals.
Diploma or master theses are not published.
Hamburg University Press reserves the right to select publications.


In which form can I publish?

Every title published by the publishing house is freely accessible online and can be downloaded free of charge (so-called Open Access). Collected volumes are made available digitally in their entirety, but also in the individual contributions. In addition, monographs and anthologies can be published as print editions using the printing-on-demand method. Print copies can be ordered from the publisher's website or from bookstores.
Journals are published by the publisher in digital form only.
For the legal framework, see Rights.


What does printing-on-demand mean?

Printing-on-demand means "printing on demand" and was made possible by digitization. This printing process is particularly suitable for works with small print runs. The print shop usually produces very short runs on an ongoing basis. The advantages of the process are obvious: the title is never out of print and there are no storage and administration costs that would be incurred if larger runs were produced.


Will my printed work be distributed through bookstores?

Your work will be given an ISBN (International Standard Book Number) - the series will also receive an ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) - and will be included in the directory of available books (VLB). As a result, it can be searched for in the relevant literature and information services and can be obtained from booksellers throughout Europe. Distribution to non-European countries can take place via special bookstores and individual online retailers, provided they include the respective title in their range. Hamburg University Press itself does not make direct deliveries to non-European countries.


What does the digital publication look like?

Currently, all titles are published on the Hamburg University Press websites as PDF files. Additionally, a publication as EPUB can be ordered. The file is optimized for web viewing and is offered in a user-friendly size. It contains metadata that search engines can access and that supports higher placement on a hit list.
Collected volumes are usually made available as a complete file as well as by contribution (as it were, as specially prepared "digital offprints").
Each document is available for free reading and downloading. Publications published under a CC-licence can be re-used according to the license. In addition to a permanently citable URL, the digital edition also receives a DOI as a unique reference on the Internet. This also applies to individual contributions in anthologies. In addition to the bibliographic data and the table of contents, information on the author/editor is also published on a detail page. The print edition can also be ordered directly via this website.


I would like to use multimedia elements in the online publication of my work. Is that possible?

Hamburg University Press is very interested in being able to provide documents and objects that take advantage of the added value of online publishing. Please contact us.


What does the finished book look like?

Our titles are usually published as softcover, in exceptional cases also as hardcover. Color illustrations are possible. The standard size of the books is 155 x 220 mm. All copies receive a colored cover and are delivered shrink-wrapped. Our print partner is BoD. An information text will be placed on the back of your book.


How will my work be distributed?

Your work will be presented on the Hamburg University Press website and can be accessed here. The libraries will also take care of its indexing, visibility and availability. It will be listed in the relevant library catalogs as a print and online resource. From the catalogs, links are provided to the full text of the online version.

Research on and access to the publications is possible, for example, via

Publishing publications can also be found via search engines such as Google and Bing, and especially via academic search engines such as Google Scholar and BASE – Bielefeld Academic Search Engine.
Through national and international networking, your work will be made visible and available nationally as well as internationally (e.g. in the European research information system OpenAIRE).

The publisher organizes the distribution of your printed work. It is registered in the directory of deliverable books (VLB) and can thus be ordered via the book trade. The print service provider also ensures that the work is listed with wholesalers and in the online book trade. We would like to point out that we have no influence on which books the online book trade (e.g. Amazon) includes in its range or which books the stationary book trade orders for you.
Your work can also be ordered via our website. You support the dissemination of your work if you draw the attention of your professional community to your publication, because no one knows your scientific environment as well as you do. In addition, Hamburg University Press is present at events (for example, the Frankfurt Book Fair) to support the dissemination of your work in this way as well.


Where will my work be archived?

Both the German National Library and the Carl von Ossietzky State and University Library receive deposit copies of your publication in print for archival purposes.
Hamburg University Press stores the online version of your work on the publisher's own server. The publisher also uses the German National Library's offer for long-term archiving of net publications, which are stored on their archive server and made searchable via their online catalog.


Do I have to submit deposit copies to the German National Library?

No, we take care of that for you. By delivering deposit copies in printed and electronic form to the German National Library, the long-term availability of your work is supported.


Are layout and proofreading binding?

Monographs and anthologies are given a uniform layout at the publishing house in accordance with the corporate identity of the house or the respective series and are generally proofread before publication.
A delivered manuscript should have been standardized and prepared using format templates and without local formatting. Illustrations should be delivered separately in printable quality. Please also remember to obtain image rights and any other licenses. This is your responsibility.
If you are planning your own series, we can also create an individual series layout for you, taking into account the publisher's corporate identity.


What are the costs for the publication?

Digital publishing and the production of a book using the printing-on-demand process also incur costs that must be borne by the authors/editors or other third parties. These costs depend on the type and scope of your work and usually consist of the costs for proofreading, printing costs and publishing services. We'd like to provide you with a quote specifically tailored to your publication, so please contact us.


Can I publish my dissertation/thesis (PhD) with you?

Hamburg University Press offers a lean and affordable publishing option for dissertations. These are published under a CC-BY license and appear simultaneously digitally freely available as well as in printed form (hybrid publication). The printed edition is distributed through bookstores and the publisher. We currently publish dissertations that were written at the University of Hamburg and were awarded the grade "summa cum laude" or "magna cum laude". Publication is subject to the following conditions:

  • Typesetting by the author
    The publisher will provide you with a typesetting template (MS Word) and introduce you to its use in a two-hour training session on a Windows PC. We also provide you with training material and are available to answer any questions you may have. Step-by-step instructions will show you how to insert your own Word document into the publisher's template and what else needs to be done during typesetting.<
  • Proofreading - compliant with the publisher's guidelines
    In principle, the execution of a professional proofreading by the publisher is obligatory. If you can prove that a proofreading has been carried out prior to submitting the dissertation, we will waive the need for a further proofreading. In any case, you are required to make linguistic and formal standardizations in accordance with our publishing guidelines.
  • Illustrations
    You do not need to insert illustrations, we will do that for you. The number of illustrations should be kept within reasonable limits (up to 15 illustrations).
  • Titles, table of contents, other indexes, covers
    The publisher creates the title, the table of contents, the other indexes and the cover.


Is there an alternative for publishing dissertations?

We have a special offer for dissertations. Alternatively, doctoral theses can be published and archived online on the dissertation server of the Hamburg State and University Library of the University of Hamburg) for a small processing fee. The thesis is listed in the GVK (Gemeinsamer Verbundkatalog) and delivered to the German National Library as a digital deposit copy for long-term archiving purposes.


What are the technical and formal requirements for illustrations?

  • formal
    For all illustrations, you must obtain the rights of use for print and online publication at your expense in advance. When obtaining the rights, take into account that the digital edition will be freely available online. Ilustration credits must be provided.
  • design
    The integration of double-sided illustrations, graphics and tables as well as a presentation in landscape format is not possible due to printing reasons. The illustrations will be integrated to a maximum of sentence width. For design reasons, the full sentence width is usually not used.
  • print
    Images and graphics can be reproduced appropriately in digital printing if they are provided with sufficient quality. Color and grayscale images must have a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Line drawings that do not contain gray values and gradients require a resolution of 1200 dpi. For paper originals (especially printouts, old books, photographs) that are being scanned, the reproduction quality may vary. Line drawings such as copperplate engravings can often be reproduced very well. Black and white originals such as journal articles and photographs, on the other hand, are not optimal for digital printing, although legible.

Please note: Our books are produced in very short runs using the digital printing process. The print quality meets the standard expectations for research literature. Particularly high-quality printing can usually only be achieved with an offset printing process. In this case, we recommend that you contact a publisher specializing in appropriate manufacturing processes in this regard.


What do I have to bear in mind when integrating excel charts or powerpoint graphics that I have created myself?

Excel and powerpoint offer the option of saving the file in an image format (e.g. PNG). However, the print quality of these image files is not sufficient. We therefore ask you to provide us with the original files (MS EXCEL or MS POWERPOINT) in which the diagrams and graphics were created. We can then support the almost lossless reproduction.

Do you offer the implementation of a register?

The task of a qualified register is to make explicit and implicit information contained in the book findable, to bring together scattered knowledge and to reflect relationships between entries. The creation as well as the implementation of a corresponding register, in which weightings and relationships are to be reflected, is complex and insofar cost-intensive. Simple registers created on the basis of a word list, for example with MS WORD, are usually not necessary, since the search function of the PDF reader is not only sufficient, but also much more user-friendly.


Is self-archiving allowed?

As an author or editor, you may of course additionally store your work on your own homepage or on professional or institutional repositories (document servers of the university or research institution). Please feel free to make use of these publication methods as well. Please remember that your work has already been given a unique identification (DOI) by the publisher and communicate this if possible to avoid multiple submissions. In addition, we ask that you name Hamburg University Press as the place of (first) publication.


Are you interested in publishing with us?

Please contact us.
