Exemplary publication process

Below you will find a non-binding example of the publication process for an Open Access publication with associated printed edition. We will coordinate the exact procedure for your publication with you.

  • If you are interested in publishing with Hamburg University Press, please contact us and inform us about your publication plans. Hamburg University Press will decide whether to include the title in the publishing programme.
  • If a publication with us is generally possible, we will provide you with an online questionnaire. This will help you to find out all the information you need.
  • We will provide you with a cost estimate. This usually includes a publishing fee (including the online preparation and provision of the work), the costs for proofreading (a reading without final editing) by an scholar who is usually close to the subject of your publication, as well as printing costs (print-on-demand).
  • You will receive a contract (Rights) documenting the agreed services.
  • We make a schedule and discuss the steps of the publication process.
  • Your manuscript is submitted to us in a clearly structured, standardised form (using format templates, without local formatting).
  • If your work is a dissertation (PhD thesis), we will send you a document template and train you individually in its use.
  • Please send us illustrations, tables, graphics and the like separately in as good a quality as possible (300 dpi) (preferably as a TIF file). Please also remember to provide an exact picture credit and, if necessary, to obtain reprint rights. In the body text, document the places where the images are to be included.
  • The entire publication process is primarily electronic.
  • Your work will receive an ISBN. If you are founding a series, we will order an ISSN for it. The digital version receives a Crossref DOI.
  • We take care of the fine formatting of your work and adapt it to design specifications.
  • We organise the proofreading. One reading is compulsory, any further must be agreed separately; final editing is not provided. You are responsible for the final review and the approved document.
  • Your corrections will be incorporated.
  • We create the cover and send it to you as a PDF file.
  • We convert the print-ready manuscript into a PDF and send this to you for print approval as well. At this point the typesetting is considered complete; major corrections are only possible at extra cost and with a delay in publication.
  • You will receive a proof copy for review and final approval for publication.
  • Your publication will be printed and registered with the VLB (Verzeichnis lieferbarer Bücher). It can be ordered via bookshops and Hamburg University Press's website.
  • At the same time, your work is made available on the Internet. It can now be read and downloaded online free of charge.
  • The online version of your work is archived on the archive server of the German National Library (DNB). The cooperation with the DNB ensures that the online version is archived for as long as possible.
  • Your work is digitally available via catalogues and search engines.