offered by the Hamburg State and University Library
All booklets are available via the WEBSHOP der MedienBildungsRaum Kunstpädagogik
of the Universty of Cologne.
The Kunstpädagogische Positionen (KPP) were published up to issue 21 by Hamburg University Press. From issue 22 onwards they are published via the Webshop of the MedienBildungsRaum Kunstpädagogik.
The Kunstpädagogische Positionen are a series of small publications, usually of lectures given at the University of Hamburg in the former area of FuL (Forschungs- und Lehrstelle. Kunst - Pädagogik - Psychoanalyse). In the context of education and training of students of art & pedagogy, it is the editors' endeavour to bring to light positions that help to contour the teaching, learning and formative effects of art.