1864 – Menschen zwischen den Mächten / 1864 – Mennesker mellem magterne

1864 – Menschen zwischen den Mächten / 1864 – Mennesker mellem magterne


Rainer Hering (ed)
Landesarchiv Schleswig‐Holstein
Landesarchiv Süderjütland, Dänisches Staatsarchiv
Elke Imberger (ed)
Landesarchiv Schleswig-Holstein


German-Danish War 1864, civilian population, civil administration, national movements


The German-Danish War of 1864 has been studied in detail - as far as the large-scale political and military events are concerned. In contrast, there has been little interest in the conditions of the civilian population, the civil administration and the national movements during the war, as well as in the economic consequences and the formation of identities after the war. To change this, German and Danish historians have written this book. It is the result of a German-Danish double conference organised by the regional archives in Schleswig and Apenrade.




Printed Version

ISBN: 978-3-943423-24-2

490 pages, 56 fig., hardback,
size: 155 x 220 mm, 34,80 €


german, danish


Veröffentlichungen des Landesarchivs Schleswig-Holstein , Bd. 108, ISSN (online): 2627-9002, ISSN (print): 1864-9912

Copyright (c) 2016 Authors

How to Cite

Hering, R., Schultz Hansen, H., … Imberger, E. (Eds.). (2016). 1864 – Menschen zwischen den Mächten / 1864 – Mennesker mellem magterne (Vols. 108). Hamburg University Press. https://doi.org/10.15460/HUP.LASH.108.161