»Das dreht einen richtig an …« Über die Figur der Rotation in der aktuellen Kunst – und ihren Wert für die ästhetische Bildung

»Das dreht einen richtig an …« Über die Figur der Rotation in der aktuellen Kunst – und ihren Wert für die ästhetische Bildung


Kunsthochschule Kassel


rotation, aethetic education, contemporary art, intensity, arts education


From the booklet: "The following considerations are based on the theory that not only the direct, linearly directed and thus calculated access to the work of art sustainably sets something in motion in the viewer, but also the rotation as a circular event. [...] Furthermore, it is the question whether and how the quality of an engagement with art can be determined as a topic around which once again acutely educational-political discussions revolve with often dubious results. [...] Therefore I start at the so-called obstinacy of art, as that moment of withdrawal, which creates its incommensurable liveliness. By refusing to take hold of meaning, art points us to its fundamental questionability: what does (its) meaning consist of, how does it come about, where does it come from?"

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Kunstpädagogische Positionen , Bd. 21, ISSN (print): 1613-1339

Copyright (c) 2010 Tanja Wetzel

How to Cite

Wetzel, T. (2010). »Das dreht einen richtig an …« Über die Figur der Rotation in der aktuellen Kunst – und ihren Wert für die ästhetische Bildung (Vols. 21). Hamburg University Press. https://hup.sub.uni-hamburg.de/oa-pub/catalog/book/253