Zwischen Kunst und Unterricht
Spots einer widersprüchlichen wie hedonistischen Berufsbiografie

Zwischen Kunst und Unterricht
Spots einer widersprüchlichen wie hedonistischen Berufsbiografie


Hermann K. Ehmer
University Paderborn


art, education, jopb profile, biografic


Ehmer outlines an art educational position in retrospect of a long period of work as an art educator in different institutions and in the synopsis of the positions he has taken during this time. He begins even earlier with impressions from his school days, his encounter with "art". He uses the narrative form of the biographical. The subject of teaching and the purpose of life overlap in many ways. He reports on the way someone unplanned gets involved in a special way in the art pedagogical debates of the time from the 1960s to the present: from the detachment from musical education via visual communication and from there to the emphasis on the reference to art production and reception, which shows the limits of didactics. Ehmer's positions develop out of the context of teaching and political conditions. He reports on the danger of letting art become a substitute for religion in pedagogical terms, on the impression of never having chosen art education, but of getting caught up in it, of being entangled in it.

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Kunstpädagogische Positionen , Bd. 1, ISSN (print): 1613-1339

Copyright (c) 2003 Hermann K. Ehmer

How to Cite

Ehmer, H. K. (2003). Zwischen Kunst und Unterricht: Spots einer widersprüchlichen wie hedonistischen Berufsbiografie (Vol. 1). Hamburg University Press.