Das Staatsarchiv Hamburg im Nationalsozialismus

Das Staatsarchiv Hamburg im Nationalsozialismus


Sarah Schmidt
University of Hamburg
Udo Schäfer
Staatsarchiv der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg


National Sozialism, Second World War, church register, Jewish records


Archives are places of history. They preserve testimonies of the past and make them accessible to the public, and also keep documents that bear witness to their own past. The influence of politics and ideology on archival activity was strongly developed during the period of National Socialism in Germany. Thus, the State Archives of Hamburg took a special position in the issue of the so-called "proofs of the Aryan" ("Ariernachweise") on account of its sources. The present work examines the past as well as the role of the state archives as well as the scientific archivists - Heinrich Reincke, Hans Kellinghusen, Erich von Lehe, and Kurt Detlev Möller - during the period of National Socialism by examination of the records, and considers the results on basis of current research.



Printed Version

ISBN: 978-3-943423-29-7

171 pages, 9 fig., hardback,
size: 155 x 220 mm, 25,80 €




Veröffentlichungen aus dem Staatsarchiv der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg , Bd. 24, ISSN (online): 2627-8995, ISSN (print): 0436-6638

Copyright (c) 2016 Sarah Schmidt, Udo Schäfer

How to Cite

Schmidt, S., & Schäfer, U. (2016). Das Staatsarchiv Hamburg im Nationalsozialismus (Vols. 24). Hamburg University Press. https://doi.org/10.15460/HUP.STAHH.24.158