About the offer

Diamond Open Access for Hamburg Science

The hosting of scholarly journals is part of the service of Hamburg University Press, the publication service of the Hamburg State and University Library Hamburg (SUB Hamburg). The journal hosting service is primarily aimed at researchers and scholars at Hamburg’s universities and research institutes that wish to publish a quality-assured scholarly open access journal for initial publications without article processing charges (APC)(Diamond Open Access). In the context of projects with direct participation of the SUBHH, researchers and scholars from other locations can also make use of the hosting offer. It is the right of Hamburg University Press to choose the journals published on the platform.

The hosting service is technically based on the latest stable version of the open source software Open Journal Systems (OJS) which supports all essential plugins. A standardized digital environment enables the sustainable provision of hosted journals as well as cost-effective financing by scholarly institutions or editorial boards. Complementary to technical hosting, SUB Hamburg offers consulting and support for the development or migration of journals as well as formal quality assurance and knowledge transfer. With this service, the editorial work is entirely in the hands of the scholarly community (scholar-led publishing).

Binding standards and policies of the hosting service ensure scholarly publishing according to professional formal quality criteria. Publication under an open access license (CC BY 4.0 or CC BY-SA 4.0) is mandatory and supports the unrestricted availability and re-usability of publications (articles and supplements). Hosted journals are supported in active visualization, indexing and dissemination of articles. Their availability during the contract period as well as their long-term archiving is ensured.

All hosted journals benefit from the continuously evolving standards of the publication service. Individual software developments for individual journals are not offered in favor of sustainability. The version of the OJS software currently in use is decisive for the technical scope of functions. Functions that are omitted due to official software updates will not be redeveloped.

With its scholar-friendly hosting offer, the publication service that is a non-profit institution of the SUB Hamburg supports the active cultural change to Open Access and open, quality-assured research (Open Science).

Please contact us if you are interested.